This Gskyer refractor telescope is $50 off on Amazon

Gskyer 600x90mm AZ Refractor Telescope
(Image credit: Amazon)

There's nothing quite like a sizable discount when it comes to Amazon Prime Day, and the annual sales event may have finished but you can still save big as there's $50 off the Gskyer 600x90mm AZ refractor telescope. 

You now save $50 thanks to this Gskyer telescope courtesy of the the online retailer, Amazon and it comes with specs that would satisfy a lot of astronomers out there. It's an easy-to-use telescope that offers good quality views, and numerous eyepieces to create a stargazing experience that reflects the price you pay. It is worth noting we haven't tested Gysker models in the past, and they're a lesser-known brand but this telescope does boast an average 4.5-star review across nearly 1400 reviews. 

It's this time of year when Amazon, and other retailers, push their Summer sales and you sometimes find some of the best telescope deals of the year. If you're lucky, sometimes you find some of the very best telescopes of the year discounted by hundreds of dollars.

Gskyer 600x90mm AZ Refractor Telescope$319.99 now $269.99 on Amazon

Gskyer 600x90mm AZ Refractor Telescope $319.99 now $269.99 on Amazon.

Save $50 on the Gskyer 600x90mm AZ refractor telescope when you get it from Amazon. Fully coated optics combined with a 600mm focal length and 90mm aperture mean you get great views of objects like stars, moons and planets. An adjustable tripod and eyepieces mean you're able to have a varied and successful stargazing experience too.

Here's where we get into the nuts and bolts and scope out the specs to see what makes this a deal worth cashing in on. Naturally, if you're in the market to invest heavily in a telescope to maximize your stargazing experience and you want all the bells and whistles on a top-of-the-range telescope, this might not be the deal for you.

However, you can still get good quality, clear views of the night sky, have the necessary extras to enjoy your astronomy experience, wherever you are and make the most of a $50 discount. The 90mm aperture means plenty of light is able to pass through the lens meaning you can see your targets clearly. The 600mm focal length means you're able to get a wide field of view, great for looking at stars and objects like the moon and planets.

Combine that with fully coated optics lenses and you get a good quality final view of whatever it is you choose to look at. For your money, you also get an adjustable tripod and three eyepieces offering 24x, 60x and 120x magnifications. 

So this telescope is actually worthwhile given the price with discount and the number of positive reviews it has received. It's actually a pretty good budget telescope under $500 The specs are impressive if what you're looking for is something to view the stars, moon and other planets. The price is good too so we think this is a deal worth getting. 

Be sure to check out's Telescope deals guide, or our guide to the best telescopes.

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Alexander Cox
E-commerce Staff Writer

STAFF WRITER, E-commerce — Alex joined in June 2021 as staff writer covering space news, games, tech, toys and deals. Based in London, U.K. Graduating in June 2020, Alex studied Sports Journalism in the North East of England at Sunderland University. During his studies and since his graduation, Alex has been featured in local newspapers and online publications covering a range of sports from university rugby to Premier League soccer. In addition to a background in sports and journalism, Alex has a life-long love of Star Wars which started with watching the prequel trilogy and collecting toy lightsabers, he also grew up spending most Saturday evenings watching Doctor Who. 

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