The 101 Best Night Sky Photos of 2015 by Stargazers

Milky Way Over The Grand Canyon South Rim

Sriram Murali

Astrophotographer Sriram Murali took the image during the first week of September from the South Rim of Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona.

Way Up North

Rachana Nandan

Astrophotographer Rachana Nandan sent in a photo of an auroral display over Mount Aurora Lodge, Fairbanks, Alaska, taken on Sept. 5, 2015. Fairbanks, the second-largest city in Alaska, lies in the state’s interior.

Partial Solar Eclipse Seen in South Africa

K.J. Mulder/Worlds in Ink

K.J. Mulder and his sister observed the partial solar eclipse from their backyard in a small rural town located approximately 200 kilometers from George, Western Cape, South Africa, on Sept. 13, 2015.

'Haunted House' with Milky Way

David Martin/Night Watchman Photography

Sports photographer David Martin, an avid astrophotographer, captured this amazing view of a West Virginia house for sale with a Milky Way backdrop. Martin used a spotlight to illuminate the house in the view.

Wild Horses by Matias

Jason Matias |

The image was taken by Jason Matias at the Wild Horses Monument on the Columbia River Gorge in Washington.

Milky Way and Harbor Seal by Ippolito

Stephen Ippolito/

Skywatcher Stephen Ippolito captured this image of a harbor seal and the Milky Way while stargazing at Sand Beach in Acadia National Park in Maine.

Milky Way Over Clingmans Dome

Jeff Stamer/

This new image, taken by photographer Jeff Stamer, spotlights the observation tower at Clingmans Dome, in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The futuristic feature evokes something out of "The Jetsons." He called this photograph "Tower of Terror."

M81 and M82 by Stefan Muckenhuber

Stefan Muckenhuber

Astrophotographer Stefan Muckenhuber sent in a photo of galaxies M81 (left) and M82, obtained in mid-2015 from Tirol, Austria.

Castlepoint Meteor Shower by Milan

Tomas Milan

A three-hour drive provided an amazing shot of a golden meteor shower for astrophotographer Tomas Milan.

Aurora in Iceland by Merzlyakov

Ruslan Merzlyakov

Astrophotographer Ruslan Merzlyakov caught an aurora over Sólfar, The Sun Voyager, in Reykjavik, Iceland, on Oct. 3, 2015.

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Tom Chao
Tom Chao has contributed to as a producer and writer since 2000. As a writer and editor, he has worked for the Voyager Company, Time Inc. New Media, HarperCollins and Worth Publishers. He has a bachelor’s degree in Cinema Production from the University of Southern California, and a master’s degree from NYU’s Gallatin School of Individualized Study. To find out what his latest project is, you can follow Tom on Google+.