The 101 Best Night Sky Photos of 2015 by Stargazers

March 20, 2015, Solar Eclipse Seen in Macedonia

Stojan Stojanovski

Astrophotographer Stojan Stojanovski sent in a photo of the total solar eclipse taken in Macedonia, on March 20, 2015.

'Hidden in Plane Sight'

Daniel Mackintosh

Astrophotographer Daniel Mackintosh sent in a photo of the March 20, 2015, solar eclipse taken over Aberdeen Beach, Scotland. He writes in an email message to "I had such a great time down at Aberdeen Beach watching the eclipse and the excitement was only amplified when I luckily caught this snap of a plane passing by the eclipse." The Grampian Eye ferris wheel appears at left. [See more photos of the eclipse.]

Strange Light in the Evening

Dylan Martin Photography

Astrophotographer Dylan Martin caught the zodiacal light near the base of Kitt Peak, Arizona, on March 22, 2015. The moon and Venus appear in the center of the image. Zodiacal light, the triangular shape at center, arises from sunlight reflecting from dust particles lying in the plane of the ecliptic, the sun's apparent path in the sky.

One Big Sky

Nick Lehnberg

Astrophotographer Nick Lehnberg sent in a shot of the Milky Way taken in Kansas, mid-March 2015. Car headlights streak across the frame in the foreground.

Trifid Nebula Glows in Stunning Photo By Amateur Astronomer

Navaneeth Unnikrishnan

Astrophotographer Navaneeth Unnikrishnan captured the star factory using a DSLR camera and tracking mounted telescopes. [Read the Full Story]

I'm an Orange Moon

Lucas Keenan

Astrophotographer Lucas Keenan caught several images of the lunar eclipse from the Scripps Institute of Oceanography overlooking La Jolla, California, as the moon was setting on April 4, 2015. The different images are combined in this composite photo. [Read the full story.]

Total Lunar Eclipse in Las Vegas: Tyler Leavitt

Tyler Leavitt

The total lunar eclipse of April 4, 2015 dominates this stunning photo by veteran astrophotographer Tyler Leavitt in Las Vegas, Nevada. Leavitt captured the eclipse with the Stratosphere hotel and casino.[Read the Full Story]

Click through this gallery to see more amazing space photos from the week.

Four Images of Mars Seen in Canada

Andrew Kwon

Astrophotographer Andrew Kwon sent in a composite image showing Mars on four different nights. He writes in an e-mail to "These 4 were taken from March 27th to this morning April 6th. With opposition only coming every 26 months I am out every clear night imaging the red planet from my backyard observatory in Mississauga, Ontario."

'Proboscis Monkey Aurora'

Matt Skinner/Lights Out Photography

Astrophotographer Matt Skinner sent in his photo of an auroral display over Potter Marsh, south of Anchorage, Alaska, taken on April 11, 2015. He writes in an e-mail message to “I titled it 'Proboscis Monkey Aurora' as I felt it had an uncanny resemblance to a proboscis monkey.”

Cone Nebula, Christmas Tree Star Cluster and Fox Fur Nebula by Fields and Hancock

Robert Fields | Terry Hancock

The Cone Nebula (left of center), the Christmas Tree star cluster (top of the tree next to the Cone Nebula) and the Fox Fur Nebula (center) are located roughly 2700 light years away in the constellation Monoceros. This image was captured by Terry Hancock of DownUnder Observatory in Fremont, Mich., and Robert Fields of Irving Observatory in Howell Township, Mich. and sent to on April 11, 2014.

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Tom Chao
Tom Chao has contributed to as a producer and writer since 2000. As a writer and editor, he has worked for the Voyager Company, Time Inc. New Media, HarperCollins and Worth Publishers. He has a bachelor’s degree in Cinema Production from the University of Southern California, and a master’s degree from NYU’s Gallatin School of Individualized Study. To find out what his latest project is, you can follow Tom on Google+.