Virgin Galactic: Latest SpaceShipTwo News, Photos and Video

Virgin Galactic's private SpaceShipTwo suborbital space plane streaks across the sky in a supersonic rocket-powered test flight on Jan. 10, 2014 over Mojave, Calif.
Virgin Galactic's private SpaceShipTwo suborbital space plane streaks across the sky in a supersonic rocket-powered test flight on Jan. 10, 2014 over Mojave, Calif. It is the third supersonic test flight for SpaceShipTwo, which is designed to fly two pilots and six passengers on suborbital spaceflights for $250,000 a seat. (Image credit: Center Observatory)

Learn more about Virgin Galactic's plan to make space tourism and personal space travel a reality with SpaceShipTwo.

Related Topics: Space Tourism, SpaceX, NASA Space Launch System

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