Save up to 30% on Estes model rockets with these early Memorial Day deals

Save up to 30% on Estes model rockets with these early Memorial Day deals
(Image credit: Amazon)

If you're looking for a new model rocket or two then you can have a blast (off) this Memorial Day weekend and save up to 30% on these Estes model rockets and launch set.

The 30% discount comes just ahead of the Memorial Day weekend and is for the launch set needed to launch the rockets themselves. There are two Estes rockets on sale too, with 28% off a Saturn V rocket and 20% off a Saturn 1B rocket

The rockets are a 1:200 (Saturn V) and 1:100 (Saturn 1B) scale and will no doubt boost your fun this weekend. If model rockets are your thing then be sure to check out our best model rockets guide. If you want to check out other great space related gear, check out our best space gifts and deals for kids for ideas.

Estes Tandem-X Launch Set $56.99now $39.95 at Amazon

Estes Tandem-X Launch Set $56.99 now $39.95 at Amazon.

Save 30% on a very necessary but also awesome bit of kit when it comes to model rockets. This launch set comes with two rockets and is easy to assemble. The two rockets will achieve incredible heights of approximately 351 meters. 

Estes Saturn V Model Rocket$89.90now $64.98 at Amazon

Estes Saturn V Model Rocket $89.90 now $64.98 at Amazon

Save 28% on an awesome near-2 foot model rocket. Blast off this memorial day by launching this 1:200 scale up to 200 foot in the air. It comes completely assembled with remarkable details, coloring and markings. 

Estes Saturn 1B Model Rocket$77.01now $61.60 at Amazon

Estes Saturn 1B Model Rocket $77.01 now $61.60 at Amazon.  

Save 20% On a highly detailed model rocket. It comes with remarkable details and is a 1:100 scale with additional fins at the base to boost aerodynamics during flight. 

These Memorial Day model rocket sales are pretty awesome. You'll need the launch set to be able to achieve take-off with either of the two rockets, and that's a handy 30% off. You get an easy-to-assemble launch pad with pre-colored entry and intermediate rockets which can achieve heights of over 350 meters.

The Saturn V rocket is something better suited for non-beginners. The 28% discount gets you a ready-to-launch rocket that stands at close to two feet tall and comes with an 18 inch parachute. It comes completely assembled with scale details, paintings and markings and will launch up to 200 feet in the air. 

The Saturn 1B rocket is no-less impressive, it's 20% discount will get you an incredibly detailed model rocket. It comes pre-assembled and even with eight low-profile fins at the base of the rocket to help with guidance and aerodynamics during flight. 

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Alexander Cox
E-commerce Staff Writer

STAFF WRITER, E-commerce — Alex joined in June 2021 as staff writer covering space news, games, tech, toys and deals. Based in London, U.K. Graduating in June 2020, Alex studied Sports Journalism in the North East of England at Sunderland University. During his studies and since his graduation, Alex has been featured in local newspapers and online publications covering a range of sports from university rugby to Premier League soccer. In addition to a background in sports and journalism, Alex has a life-long love of Star Wars which started with watching the prequel trilogy and collecting toy lightsabers, he also grew up spending most Saturday evenings watching Doctor Who. 

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