Get 43% off the Estes Saturn V model rocket, and save on launch sets too

Estes Saturn V model rocket & Estes taser launch set
(Image credit: Estes)

If you're looking to launch your summer entertainment onto the next level, a 43% saving on the Estes Saturn V model rocket could be what you need. 

The 43% discount amounts to a total saving of over $38 which comes at the perfect time if you're looking for some space-themed outdoor entertainment this summer. Model rockets are a great cost-effective alternative to the best telescopes and best binoculars. Despite being over halfway through August, a lot of online retailers are still pushing Summer sales, so you can still pick up some great space-themed deals.

Estes' Saturn V model rocket is a 1:200 scale model of the real thing, and it comes with detailed markings, painting and details to the same scale too. That means it's probably cooler to look at than even the best star projectors, if you're a budding rocket engineer.  You can also save 19% on the Estes Taser Rocket Launch Set and 17% on the Estes Rascal/HiJinks Launch Set, both of which come with rockets to launch too. 

Estes Saturn V Model Rocket$89.90now $51.20 on Amazon

Estes Saturn V Model Rocket $89.90 now $51.20 on Amazon

Save 43% on a model rocket that's a 1:200 scale replica of the Saturn V rocket, complete with details, painting and markings, that stands at nearly two feet tall. This rocket can reach heights of approximately 200 feet and includes a pre-assembled parachute for safe landing. 

Estes Taser Rocket Launch Set$56.14now $45.52 on Amazon

Estes Taser Rocket Launch Set $56.14 now $45.52 on Amazon

Save 19% on a model rocket launch set that comes with its own rocket. A one-hour estimated assembly time means people who aren't as interested in the building as the launching don't have to get bogged down in assembling everything. The rocket can also reach heights of approximately 1,100 feet, which is pretty awesome. 

Estes Rascal/HiJinks Launch Set$35.99now $29.97 on Amazon

Estes Rascal/HiJinks Launch Set $35.99 now $29.97 on Amazon

Save 17% on a 2-in-1 model rocket launch set. Yep, that's correct, you get two model rockets in this set and they can reach a maximum height of 1,200 feet. They come ready to fly, too, which is great for anyone who isn't interested in the building process. 

For a saving of over $38, you get more than just a cool looking model rocket — it stands at nearly two feet tall and can reach heights of approximately 200 feet. That's an imposing figure mid-air and enough to capture the imagination of any model rocket enthusiast or budding scientist. It also comes with a pre-assembled parachute for safe landing. 

The launch sets, however, also come with their own rockets. The Estes Taser Rocket Launch Set is easy to assemble, with an estimated build time of one hour. It comes with pre-colored parts and has a custom three-fin design. The rocket it comes with can reach the dizzying heights of approximately 1,100 feet. 

The Estes Rascal/HiJinks Launch Set can go one better (well, 100 better, to be exact), as the rockets it comes with can reach a maximum height of 1,200 feet. These rockets come ready to fly, which is perfect for any young enthusiast not wanting to spend precious time assembling a model.

These sales are a perfect opportunity and excuse to get outside during the summer months and have some awesome space-themed fun. Saving 43% is not something to dismiss so quickly either, so if you're looking for your next model rocket, a way to entertain yourself or capture the imagination of a budding scientist, these could be the deals for you. 

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Alexander Cox
E-commerce Staff Writer

STAFF WRITER, E-commerce — Alex joined in June 2021 as staff writer covering space news, games, tech, toys and deals. Based in London, U.K. Graduating in June 2020, Alex studied Sports Journalism in the North East of England at Sunderland University. During his studies and since his graduation, Alex has been featured in local newspapers and online publications covering a range of sports from university rugby to Premier League soccer. In addition to a background in sports and journalism, Alex has a life-long love of Star Wars which started with watching the prequel trilogy and collecting toy lightsabers, he also grew up spending most Saturday evenings watching Doctor Who. 

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