Vote Now! Top Space Stories of the Week - Aug. 5, 2012

NASA's Huge New Mars Rover Targets Biggest Red Planet Mysteries


When Curiosity lands on Mars, it will have the chance to explore some of the questions puzzling scientists about the red planet today. [Full Story

NEXT STOP: NASA X-Ray Mirror Idea Inspired by Scotch Tape (No, Really!)

NASA X-Ray Mirror Idea Inspired by Scotch Tape (No, Really!)

NASA/D. McCallum

Scotch tape, that transparent, sticky hero of offices everywhere, could be a NASA superstar as well. [Full Story

NEXT STOP: Apollo Moon Landing Flags Still Standing

Apollo Moon Landing Flags Still Standing, Photos Reveal


Photos from NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter prove the American flags planted by Apollo astronauts still stand on the moon. [Full Story

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