Last chance: Hulu and Disney Plus Cyber Monday deal combo $2.99/month

Disney plus logo and cyber monday badge on blue background
(Image credit: Disney, Future)

Cyber Monday streaming deals are here and this Disney Plus deal is still running from the Black Friday weekend. We don't always see Black Friday or Cyber Monday Disney Plus deals but you can get that and a Hulu subscription for as little as $2.99... for both!

There are plenty of streaming deals worth checking out as it means you can set up your next year's worth of out-of-this-world content, for a very low price. 

Grab a Hulu and Disney Plus subscription for $2.99 a month from Hulu. Only available until 28 November.

It's no secret that we like Disney Plus a lot, it is the home of the Star Wars and Marvel Cinematic Universes after all. We even have a round-up of the best sci-fi movies and TV shows to stream on Disney Plus. The only catch, if you can call it that, is that this plan comes with ads. However, given that Disney Plus alone is $7.99 with ads and Hulu is 87% off, it's a huge saving and one definitely worth considering. 

If you're a fan of television, movies, Star Wars, Marvel or sci-fi in general, this deal is a low price and an offer we haven't seen anything like for a long time. 

Hulu and Disney Plus subscription package $2.99/month.

Hulu and Disney Plus subscription package $2.99/month.
You can get this package for up to a year, after which it will return to the regular price. Hulu is offering its streaming platform at just 99 cents per month but given that Disney Plus has all the Star Wars content ever created, same for Marvel, and so, so much more, we think this combo deal is worth it.

By owning a Disney Plus subscription, you can watch the Star Wars movies in order (as well as all the TV shows) and it's the same for streaming the Marvel movies in order. Other great sci-fi content on Disney Plus includes the Alien franchise, the X-Men movies and some great documentaries too.

Hulu even has some impressive titles like J.J Abrams' Star Trek movie as well as the all-new Futurama, The Predator franchise and Men In Black. Even with the adverts, if you like science fiction, this is a Cyber Monday streaming deal worth considering. You will have to act fast though as this deal expires November 28.

Key Specs: You get Hulu and Disney Plus, both with ads, but you can select how long you want to subscribe for — up to a year at $2.99/month.

Consensus: Disney Plus is undoubtedly the main attraction here and if you haven't already got a subscription, now is the time. It's a very, very low price for two streaming services. 

Buy if: You like sci-fi, you want something fresh to watch or you don't watch a lot of television so you want to keep the costs low.

Don't buy if: Honestly, the only reason you wouldn't seriously consider this deal is if you've already got subscriptions to these services. 

Alternatives: Either Netflix or Amazon Prime Video are the obvious alternatives as they also have top sci-fi content. 

Check out our Cyber Monday 2023 deals page for a roundup of the best discounts and deals on telescopes, binoculars, cameras, star projectors, drones, Lego and much more.

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Alexander Cox
E-commerce Staff Writer

STAFF WRITER, E-commerce — Alex joined in June 2021 as staff writer covering space news, games, tech, toys and deals. Based in London, U.K. Graduating in June 2020, Alex studied Sports Journalism in the North East of England at Sunderland University. During his studies and since his graduation, Alex has been featured in local newspapers and online publications covering a range of sports from university rugby to Premier League soccer. In addition to a background in sports and journalism, Alex has a life-long love of Star Wars which started with watching the prequel trilogy and collecting toy lightsabers, he also grew up spending most Saturday evenings watching Doctor Who. 

Contact Alexander: E-Mail Twitter

With contributions from
  • jenwisp
    Disney isn't offered with hulu for 2.99. The link redirects you to Hulu with ads for .99. Disney is a separate bundle on the Hulu site. Thank you for the article, though. Good to find BSG on Peacock and sub is on sale.