Photos: Coolest 2017 Solar Eclipse Signs and Celebrations

Summer of Smiles

Rick Diamond/Getty

Holiday Inn hosts an Eclipse viewing party with Scholastic as part of the culmination event to the "Summer of Smiles" program on August 21, 2017 in Nashville, Tennessee.

Rebel Legion & 501st

The Eclipse Force was strong with the Rebel Legion & 501st at Southern Illinois University.

Eclipse buttons

Justin Sullivan/Getty

Eclipse buttons are displayed during the Wyoming Eclipse Festival on August 20, 2017 in Casper, Wyoming.

Saluki Stadium

Scott Olson/Getty

People watch the solar eclipse at Saluki Stadium on the campus of Southern Illinois University on August 21, 2017 in Carbondale, Illinois.

Cradle of Aviation

Bruce Bennett/Getty

Attendees to the Cradle of Aviation viewing party write on the sidewalk during a partial eclipse of the sun on August 21, 2017 in Garden City, New York.

Cradle of Aviation

Bruce Bennett/Getty

Marilyn Havoc of Great Neck arrives for the partial eclipse of the sun viewing on August 21, 2017 at the Cradle of Aviation Museum in Garden City, New York.

Isle of Palms

Pete Marovich/Getty

Val Carney, 43, of Asheville, N.C., builds her sand tribute to the solar eclipse as eclipse fans wait for the clouds to clear so they can view the total solar eclipse from the one of last vantage points where totality will be visible on August 21, 2017 in Isle of Palms, S.C.

University of Georgia

Joshua L. Jones/Athens Banner-Herald/AP

University of Georgia students and Athens locals view the eclipse from UGA's Sanford Stadium in Athens, Ga., on Monday, Aug. 21, 2017. 20,000 people showed up to Sanford Stadium to watch the eclipse.

Washington DC

Apolónia Rodrigues

Apolónia Rodrigues photographs a panorama of the DC crowd.

Stanley Lake, Idaho

Miguel Claro

Stanley Lake

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Christine Lunsford
Producer and Contributing Writer

Christine Lunsford joined the team in 2010 as a freelance producer and later became a contributing writer, covering astrophotography images, astronomy photos and amazing space galleries and more. During her more than 10 years with, oversaw the site's monthly skywatching updates and produced overnight features and stories on the latest space discoveries. She enjoys learning about subjects of all kinds.