Father's Day telescope deal: Save $600 on the Unistellar eVscope eQuinox

Unistellar EVscope EQuinox Telescope
(Image credit: Unistellar)

If you're looking for a serious bit of stargazing equipment or looking to invest in a Father's Day gift of a lifetime, you can now save $600 on the Unistellar eVscope eQuinox when you grab it from the manufacturer's website. 

The $600 discount is a huge one and is available until June 20. It's even more impressive knowing this discount comes on one of the top telescopes on the market right now, and you can always check out our round-up of the other best telescopes available today for more top models.

There's a host of specs that stand out with the Unitstellar eVscope eQuinox telescope so although it's a pricier model, you get plenty of telescope for your money. Light pollution reduction features, on board computer with storage for space missions, multi-device connection for social observing and an app with over 5000 objects in its catalogue mean there's plenty of telescope for your buck. If you want more great stargzing deals then be sure to check out our telescope deals and binoculars deals guides. 

Unistellar eVscope eQuinox$2999now $2399 at Unistellar

Unistellar eVscope eQuinox $2999 now $2399 at Unistellar.

Use the code "SPACEDAD" at checkout to save $600 on this super sophisticated computerized telescope. This Father's Day deal means you get an out-of-this-world saving on a telescope that is powerful, offers crystal clear views, tracks targets with precision and comes with an app with over 5000 targets in its database.

This isn't a telescope known for it's portability and lightweight features, but in turn there's a lot of storage and software in this computerized scope that makes this a worthwhile investment. 64gb of storage as well as an app with over 5000 night sky targets to view and software to allow social viewing with peers are just a few examples. It also comes with a motorized Alt-AZ mount for extremely easy and accurate tracking.

In terms of viewing power, this model packs a punch. It has an optical magnification of 50x and a digital one of up to 400x. The focal length is 450mm meaning you will get crystal clear views of even the faintest deep sky objects, and so will anyone you're sharing the viewing experience with. 

There's no hiding that this telescope is an investment, but it's a serious bit of astronomy gear. So, if you're looking to get a high-end computerized telescope, using the code "SPACEDAD" at checkout and saving $600 could be the opportunity you're looking for.  

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Alexander Cox
E-commerce Staff Writer

STAFF WRITER, E-commerce — Alex joined Space.com in June 2021 as staff writer covering space news, games, tech, toys and deals. Based in London, U.K. Graduating in June 2020, Alex studied Sports Journalism in the North East of England at Sunderland University. During his studies and since his graduation, Alex has been featured in local newspapers and online publications covering a range of sports from university rugby to Premier League soccer. In addition to a background in sports and journalism, Alex has a life-long love of Star Wars which started with watching the prequel trilogy and collecting toy lightsabers, he also grew up spending most Saturday evenings watching Doctor Who. 

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