Save up to $150 on these Anycubic FDM 3D printers in Amazon Prime Day deals

Anycubic Mega S 3D Printer
(Image credit: Amazon)

Amazon Prime Day is here and the annual Summer sales event is producing some top deals, and if you're looking to cash in and bag a bargain on a 3D printer, this could be the time to do that. 

The two 3D printers on offer here are the Anycubic Mega S (now 31% off) and the Anycubic Mega X (now $150 off). We've tested and reviewed numerous 3D printers from Anycubic and can  vouch for the quality and reliability of the brand. 3D printing has become widely accessible in recent times and Anycubic are partly responsible for that with the affordability of some of their models, and deals across Amazon Prime Day are only helping with that. 

The two printers offer you the chance to print the models you like, reliably, and at different sizes. The Anycubic Mega S has a smaller print volume whereas the Mega X is a larger printer and can print larger models too. If you want to do more research on 3D printers we have a comprehensive guide of the best 3D printers of 2022 which you can check out as well. 

Anycubic Mega S 3D printer$259.99now $179.99 on Amazon

Anycubic Mega S 3D printer $259.99 now $179.99 on Amazon

Save $80 or 31% on a perfect entry-level FDM 3D printer. It has a maximum print volume of 8.27 x 8.27 x 8.07 inches, a sturdy frame, and a durable motor. There's also a resume printing feature should you experience any sudden power outage and it comes with lifetime technical support.

Note: the price it has been reduced from has been increased to make the savings larger than they otherwise would be. Having said that, this is still a very good price to pay for this printer. 

Anycubic Mega X 3D printer$469.99 now $319.99 on Amazon

Anycubic Mega X 3D printer $469.99 now $319.99 on Amazon.

Save $150 on this FDM 3D printer that's perfectly suited for beginners and those looking for a more affordable 3D printer. It has a maximum print volume of 11.8x11.8.x12 inches (LxWxH)  and also comes with a resume printing button, a touchscreen, and lifetime technical support.

Note: The price its reduced from has risen to make this look like a bigger deal. However, the price you pay is still much cheaper than usual.

These are two great 3D printers for people with little to no experience of 3D printing. Both are affordable options and both are really easy to set up. The Anycubic Mega S is particularly good for novices as it's ability to print up to a volume of 8.27 x 8.27 x 8.07 inches (length, width, height) means you can print some pretty cool-sized stuff but you'll have to learn to walk before you can run, so to speak. It also has a resume printing button so if there's a sudden power outage, the printer will just continue from where it left off. It has a rigid metal frame for stability and its double-rod motor is more durable than a traditional clutch motor. 

The Anycubic Mega X is a little more expensive but worth the money. It's quick and easy to set up, has a maximum print volume of 11.8 x 11.8 x 12 inches meaning you can print larger models than the Mega S. It also has a Y Axis Dual Sideway Design and Z-axis dual screw rod design for better precision during printing.  It also features the resume print option in case of a sudden power outage. 

Both printers come with lifetime technical support, so if you need help with anything, Anycubic will provide that. If you're looking to try your hand at 3D printing then Prime Day is the perfect time to cash in as these two printers are ideal for beginners. 

Be sure to check out's Amazon Prime Day guide, or our guide to the Best 3D printers.

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Alexander Cox
E-commerce Staff Writer

STAFF WRITER, E-commerce — Alex joined in June 2021 as staff writer covering space news, games, tech, toys and deals. Based in London, U.K. Graduating in June 2020, Alex studied Sports Journalism in the North East of England at Sunderland University. During his studies and since his graduation, Alex has been featured in local newspapers and online publications covering a range of sports from university rugby to Premier League soccer. In addition to a background in sports and journalism, Alex has a life-long love of Star Wars which started with watching the prequel trilogy and collecting toy lightsabers, he also grew up spending most Saturday evenings watching Doctor Who. 

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