Save 20% on the Sky-Watcher Heritage-76 Mini Dobsonian Telescope

Sky-Watcher Heritage 76 Telescope
(Image credit: Wex)

If you want to save money on a telescope that offers good quality night sky views and is easy to use, then this deal from Wex on the Sky-Watcher Heritage-76 mini Dobsonian telescope could be what you're looking for. 

This 20% Sky-Watcher Heritage-76 discount is not something to overlook so quickly, especially when the telescope is normally one of the more affordable models on the market, to begin with. Of course, if you want to do more research into affordable telescopes and others suited for those without much experience, be sure to check out our best telescopes for beginners and our budget telescopes under $500 guides. 

It's a brilliant little telescope, that offers good quality optics, a lightweight tabletop design and is very easy to use. If you're in the market for a top telescope to get into astronomy or interest a budding scientist, this could be the one. You can also check out our guides for the best telescopes, telescope deals and best binoculars for more super stargazing gear and savings. 

Sky-Watcher Heritage-76 Mini Dobsonian Telescope

Sky-Watcher Heritage-76 Mini Dobsonian Telescope £79.99 now £64 on Wex Photo Video

Save 20% on a brilliant tabletop telescope, perfectly suited for beginners and astronomy novices. You get a 76mm aperture, a 300mm focal length, two eyepieces and a finderscope for your money, giving you simple and clear views of galaxies, nebulae and star clusters. An affordable telescope that offers a fun stargazing experience. 

So what is it exactly that makes this a good telescope and a worth-while deal exactly? What specs does it feature? Well, the main specs are an aperture of 76mm and a focal length of 300mm, which at this price point isn't bad at all. It also means that enough light passes through so you can get easy views of star clusters, nebulae and galaxies. 

For your money (saving 20%)  you also get two eyepieces that come with the telescope, taking the total magnification up to 12x and 30x. The eyepieces are 10 and 25mm respectively, and you get a finderscope too, which helps with finding your night sky targets. There's also a wooden alt-azimuth mount which is manually operated, adding to the hands-on experience. 

It is worth remembering that at this price point, any telescope you find on the market will not be able to compete with models worth thousands in terms of power, the sophistication of design or quality of optics. However, you can have a fun stargazing experience and this telescope offers just that, especially to any newbies or younger astronomers. 

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Alexander Cox
E-commerce Staff Writer

STAFF WRITER, E-commerce — Alex joined in June 2021 as staff writer covering space news, games, tech, toys and deals. Based in London, U.K. Graduating in June 2020, Alex studied Sports Journalism in the North East of England at Sunderland University. During his studies and since his graduation, Alex has been featured in local newspapers and online publications covering a range of sports from university rugby to Premier League soccer. In addition to a background in sports and journalism, Alex has a life-long love of Star Wars which started with watching the prequel trilogy and collecting toy lightsabers, he also grew up spending most Saturday evenings watching Doctor Who. 

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