Last-minute solar eclipse glasses deals: Save up to 50%

Solunar Solar Eclipse Glasses (Two Pack)
(Image credit: Amazon)

The upcoming total solar eclipse occurs on April 8, and some last-minute deals mean you can view the rare natural phenomenon safely. We've spotted up to 30% off on American Astronomical Society-approved and ISO-certified solar glasses, so you can observe the sun for less.

Save 50% on a 10-pack of Medical King solar eclipse glasses and 15% on Soluna two-pack solar eclipse glasses on Amazon. 

Two separate deals are on offer here, and both manufacturers are approved by the AAS. Both sets of glasses also meet the ISO 12312-2:2015(E)  standards, which as a combination, is just about as sure as you can be that the solar glasses you have are safe to use. Crucially, Amazon says you should get these glasses in time for the event itself. Plus, you'll be able to use them for eclipses to come after April 8, too. The bonus of getting these multipacks is that you can view the total solar eclipse with those close to you, and with others interested in the event. 

If these glasses aren't quite right for you, you should check out our best solar glasses, best solar viewing kit, and best telescopes guide for other top viewing equipment. 

Medical King Solar Eclipse Glasses (10 Pack)  was $19.99 now $9.99 at Amazon. 

Medical King Solar Eclipse Glasses (10 Pack)  was $19.99 now $9.99 at Amazon

Save 50% on a 10-pack of solar eclipse glasses that an AAS-approved manufacturer makes and meet the ISO safety standards. They block out all harmful UV, IR and 99.9% of visible light. 

Soluna Solar Eclipse Glasses (Two Pack) was $19.99 now $16.99 on Amazon.

Soluna Solar Eclipse Glasses (Two Pack) was $19.99 now $16.99 on Amazon.

Save 15% on a two-pack of solar eclipse glasses from an AAS-approved manufacturer that also meets the ISO safety standards. Made from a scratch-resistant polymer, these glasses will ensure you can view the April 8 total solar eclipse, as well as future one, with complete confidence. 

Solar eclipse glasses are the perfect option for casual viewers and those wanting to safely observe the total solar eclipse without breaking the bank. There are specialist telescopes and binoculars, but this is the cheapest and simplest way to safely view the sun directly. The total solar eclipse will follow a path of totality, meaning the moon will block out the sun's light along a narrow ground track for a limited time, known as totality. This will be visible in parts of Mexico, the U.S. and Canada. 

Viewing the sun directly without sufficient protection or specialist equipment can cause serious and long-term damage to your eyes. These glasses are made by manufacturers that feature on the AAS's page for safe solar viewers. Both sets of glasses are one-size-fits-all and allow you to view the upcoming solar event with those close to you, or with others also wanting to watch the phenomenon safely. 

Key Specs: The manufacturer's feature on the AAS's site for suppliers of safe solar viewers and the glasses meet the ISO safety standards. They're both one-size-fits-all and both come in multipacks with good discounts. 

Consensus: These are a good option for viewing the total solar eclipse (and the sun generally) without breaking the bank. They're ideal if you are a casual viewer and are not bothered about getting an up-close and detailed look at the sun's surface.

Buy if: You're not chasing detailed views of the sun that specialist telescopes or binoculars can achieve. Also if you're on a budget, these are a great option.

Don't buy if: You want as much detail from you solar observation sessions as you can get, as these glasses won't provide a closer look; they will just block out most of the light.

Check out our roundups of the best discounts and deals on telescopes, binoculars, cameras, star projectors, drones, Lego and much more.

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Alexander Cox
E-commerce Staff Writer

STAFF WRITER, E-commerce — Alex joined in June 2021 as staff writer covering space news, games, tech, toys and deals. Based in London, U.K. Graduating in June 2020, Alex studied Sports Journalism in the North East of England at Sunderland University. During his studies and since his graduation, Alex has been featured in local newspapers and online publications covering a range of sports from university rugby to Premier League soccer. In addition to a background in sports and journalism, Alex has a life-long love of Star Wars which started with watching the prequel trilogy and collecting toy lightsabers, he also grew up spending most Saturday evenings watching Doctor Who. 

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