$50 discount on the Encalife ENTE501P refractor telescope

The Encalife SVBONY 501P 70 against a white wall backdrop
(Image credit: Jamie Carter)

Looking for an easy-to-setup refractor beginner telescope? Look no further than the Encalife ENTE501P which we reviewed earlier this year.

The Black Friday discount provides a generous 20% off this telescope to give a decent $50 saving. It ships with everything you need to get started including a 1.25-inch KM eyepiece, a collapsible aluminum alloy tripod, a handy backpack to transport the device and a 5x24 finderscope for locating night sky objects.

We like that this telescope is a good entry-level device that would suit those new to astronomy and comes in at a reasonable price. The 501P is an incredibly simple telescope. The 2.75-inch/70 mm refractor is mounted on a small, portable and lightweight aluminum tripod in a bid to make it utterly transportable. 

The telescope even comes with an erect image diagonal to bring the 20mm (20x magnification) eyepiece to a comfortable angle for viewing.

Svbony SV501P 70/400 Portable Refractor Telescope

Encalife ENTE501P refractor telescope: was $249.97, now $199.97 at Encalife.
20% off this refractor telescope for beginners puts the ENTE501P at under $200 and with a 70mm aperture and 400mm focal length we're pleased to see this entry-level optic at such a low price. Take it anywhere with the collapsible tripod and backpack to enjoy observing the night sky.

The Encalife ENTE501P telescope has fully multi-coated optics that keep views clear and relatively bright. Astrophotographers and videographers will feel some familiarity with the tripod as it comes with a panhandle (not a traditional telescope mount) to move the telescope through 360 degrees. The finderscope helps to line up celestial objects approximately before fine-tuning through the 20mm eyepiece to find the best views of the cosmos.

We noted in our review of the telescope that when viewing the moon it's possible (and helpful) to remove the puck on the dust cap. Doing so reveals a 1-3/4 inch / 42mm hole that restricts the light that reaches the telescope cube. This helps when observing full moons because, otherwise, the glare can be overwhelming for some.

Be sure to check out Space.com's Black Friday deals page, or our guide to the Best telescopes, Best telescopes for deep space or the Best telescopes for seeing planets. Alternatively, take a look at our Best telescopes for beginners page if you want to search for other types of entry-level telescope optics.

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Jase Parnell-Brookes
Managing Editor, e-commerce

Jase Parnell-Brookes is the Managing Editor for e-commerce for Space and Live Science. Previously the Channel Editor for Cameras and Skywatching at Space, Jase has been an editor and contributing expert across a wide range of publications since 2010. Based in the UK, they are also an award-winning photographer and educator winning the Gold Prize award in the Nikon Photo Contest 2018/19 and named Digital Photographer of the Year in 2014. After completing their Masters degree in 2011 and qualifying as a teacher in 2012, Jase has spent the last two decades studying and working in photography and publishing in multiple areas, and specializes in low light optics and camera systems.