Classic 'Star Trek' villains beam up in this deluxe guidebook from Titan Books

"Star Trek: Villains" from Titan Books chronicles the baddest baddies across the final frontier.
"Star Trek: Villains" from Titan Books chronicles the baddest baddies across the final frontier. (Image credit: Titan Books)

More than nearly any other popular Hollywood franchise, "Star Trek" thrives on its rogue's gallery of iconic villains, from the sultry Borg Queen and heartless reptilian wrestler, the Gorn, to warmongering Klingons, hostile Romulans, and the superior intellect of Khan Noonien Singh.

So on "Star Trek's" 55th anniversary today (Sept. 8), has an exclusive peek inside Titan Books' premium paperback titled "Star Trek: Villains" (Sep. 28), "Star Trek Magazine's" essential guide to the classic sci-fi property's memorable baddies that pushed our valiant Starfleet heroes to the razor's edge and beyond the final frontier.

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Star Trek: Villains (Titan Books): $24.99 at Amazon.

Star Trek: Villains (Titan Books): $24.99 at Amazon.
Set phasers to yikes and prepare to beam up the baddest of the bad in "Star Trek: Villains" from Titan Books. Available for preordr until its release on Sept. 21.

This deluxe 176-page edition showcases fresh interviews with the TV and movie performers behind nemeses like Alice Krige (the Borg Queen), Christopher Plummer (General Chang), Ricardo Montalban (Khan), John de Lancie (Q), and Tom Hardy (Shinzon) and contains detailed profiles of extraterrestrial foes such as the Romulans, the Gorn, the Dominion, and the Klingons. 

Superbly illustrated with rare behind-the-scenes photographs and studio promotional stills, this is the most convenient (and safest) way to get up close and personal with "Star Trek's" most sinister antagonists and galactic troublemakers. 

Keep your guard up and check out our wicked preview of Titan's "Star Trek Villains," in the full gallery below and snag your copy when the evil ones strike bookstores on Sep. 28. You can preorder it from Amazon for a Sept. 21 delivery as well.

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Jeff Spry
Contributing Writer

Jeff Spry is an award-winning screenwriter and veteran freelance journalist covering TV, movies, video games, books, and comics. His work has appeared at SYFY Wire, Inverse, Collider, Bleeding Cool and elsewhere. Jeff lives in beautiful Bend, Oregon amid the ponderosa pines, classic muscle cars, a crypt of collector horror comics, and two loyal English Setters.