'Star Wars: The High Republic' gets lavish illustrated guide from Insight Editions (exclusive)

Chronicles of the Jedi
Chronicles of the Jedi (Image credit: Insight Editions)

Lucasfilm Publishing's "The High Republic" publishing initiative for the "Star Wars" expanded universe was initially revealed by Disney in 2020, representing with an ambitious lineup of interconnected young adult books, adult novels, and comic books set 200 years before "Star Wars: The Phantom Menace" when the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy far, far away.

Starting in January 2021, Phase 1 of the "Star Wars: The High Republic" series of this planned "Star Wars" expansion project rolled out with its A-team of authors Charles Soule ("Light of the Jedi”), Justina Ireland ("A Test of Courage"), Claudia Gray ("Into the Dark"), Cavan Scott (Marvel's "The High Republic" comic), and Daniel José Older (IDW's "Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures" comic). Now, the new Insight Editions book 

With the third and final phase of continued sci-fi tales from this glorious time arriving in November, "Star Wars: The High Republic" has already amassed enough heroes, villains, aliens, spaceships, weapons, creatures, vehicles, and planetary destinations across its spectrum to be collected in a deluxe new companion volume arriving March 21 from publisher Insight Editions: Chronicles of the Jedi: An illustrated Guide to the Galaxy’s Golden Age."

Star Wars: The High Republic: Chronicles of the Jedi: An Illustrated Guide to the Galaxy's Golden Age 
was $45

Star Wars: The High Republic: Chronicles of the Jedi: An Illustrated Guide to the Galaxy's Golden Age
was $45 now $29.99 at Amazon

Save 33%: Dive deep into the history of Star Wars: The High Republic in this visual guide of the epic expansion to the Star Wars universe in books, comics and art.

Written by "Star Wars" veteran Cole Horton, the new book is an informative 160-page hardcover to refresh your memories of previous "Star Wars: The High Republic" adventures unspooling from this rich storytelling territory. 

The cover of "Star Wars: The High Republic - An Illustrated Guide to the Galaxy's Golden Age" from Insight Editions (Image credit: Insight Editions)

It's an in-universe reference manual that plunges you right into the heart of the Jedi Knights' triumphant deeds while providing useful knowledge of their turbulent interstellar world long before the Skywalker clan came onto the scene.

This absorbing collector's book is saturated with original illustrations, explanatory historical passages, concept artwork, background details, timeline charts, character profiles, lightsaber designs, mysteries of the Force, and never-seen illustrations that were all created to help build out this Camelot-like age when the Jedi Order reigned supreme.

A Jedi crashes a craft into a spaceship

A preview page from Star Wars: The High Republic - Chronicles of the Jedi. (Image credit: Insight Editions)

A preview page from Star Wars: The High Republic - Chronicles of the Jedi. (Image credit: Insight Editions)

Fans of the honored era can also transport themselves in the legends and lore of "Star Wars: The High Republic's" colorful new cast of personalities like Elzar Mann, Avar Kriss, Bell Zettifar, Stellan Gios, Keeve Trennis, Burryaga, Yoda, and many others.

Insight Editions'  "Chronicles of the Jedi: An Illustrated Guide To The Galaxy’s Golden Age" lands on March 21.

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Jeff Spry
Contributing Writer

Jeff Spry is an award-winning screenwriter and veteran freelance journalist covering TV, movies, video games, books, and comics. His work has appeared at SYFY Wire, Inverse, Collider, Bleeding Cool and elsewhere. Jeff lives in beautiful Bend, Oregon amid the ponderosa pines, classic muscle cars, a crypt of collector horror comics, and two loyal English Setters.

  • Backcountry164
    OMG, is Disney still trying to peddle this garbage?? They've thrown away everything Star Wars fans loved and they keep pushing things there is little interest in.
    Star Wars is dead, Darth Kennedy killed it. Now it's just content for Disney Plus...
  • Atlan0001
    My youngest adult son is a disabled veteran and terminally ill cancer patient in remission at this time as long he receives his treatments. I know nothing of this game, but engaging in it as he often does is very productive, very helpful, of mental stimulation for my disabled son. Let it be!