Watch Jedi battle hand-to-hand in new clip for Disney+'s 'The Acolyte' (video)

Zooming towards its official June 4 release date, Disney+'s newest "Star Wars" live-action series "The Acolyte" will be a true test for the 47-year-old franchise during a temporary lull in big screen space opera action from that galaxy far, far away.

"The Acolyte" and its 8-episode first season will roll out as a product of The High Republic era in the "Star Wars" timeline, a period of growing unrest when the fabled  Jedi Knights reigned supreme some 100 years prior to the events of "Star Wars: The Phantom Menace" and the entire Skywalker Saga.

A new official clip has just surfaced from Disney+ showcasing the series' "The Matrix"-like martial arts fight choreography in an intense physical sequence between a mysterious trainee named Mae (Amandla Stenberg) and Master Sol (Lee Jung-jae) that's conspicuously lacking the use of crackling lightsabers.

Related: Everything we know about 'The Acolyte': Release date, plot, cast & more

Here's the full series description:

"In 'The Acolyte,' an investigation into a shocking crime spree pits a respected Jedi Master against a dangerous warrior from his past. As more clues emerge, they travel down a dark path where sinister forces reveal all is not what it seems…."

Truth be told, this new look at "The Acolyte's" acrobatic hand-to-hand combat style is semi-refreshing for the "Star Wars" realm, but it's certainly been seen before in a multitude of martial arts movies such as "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" or the "Ip Man" films and doesn't exactly set the universe on fire. 

It does benefit from its veteran action coordinator, Chris Clark Cowan, whose dynamic work has been seen in "Kingsman: The Golden Circle" and "Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings." 

A portion of the official poster for "The Acolyte" (Image credit: Disney+)

Besides Stenberg and Jung-jae, "The Acolyte" co-stars Manny Jacinto (Qimir), Carrie-Anne Moss (Master Indara), Dean-Charles Chapman (Master Torbin), Joonas Suotamo (Jedi Master Kelnacca), Jodie Turner-Smith (Mother Aniseya), Charlie Barnett (Yord Fandar), Dafne Keen (Jedi Padawan Jecki Lon), and Rebecca Henderson (Vernestra Rwoh). 

Series creator and showrunner Leslye Headland directed the pilot episode and also executive produces in collaboration with Kathleen Kennedy, Simon Emanuel, Jeff F. King, and Jason Micallef.

The first two episodes of "The Acolyte" will release exclusively on Disney+ starting June 4, 2024 with additional installments arriving weekly.

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Jeff Spry
Contributing Writer

Jeff Spry is an award-winning screenwriter and veteran freelance journalist covering TV, movies, video games, books, and comics. His work has appeared at SYFY Wire, Inverse, Collider, Bleeding Cool and elsewhere. Jeff lives in beautiful Bend, Oregon amid the ponderosa pines, classic muscle cars, a crypt of collector horror comics, and two loyal English Setters.

  • Kazymandias
    Admin said:
    A new official clip has just been released by Disney+ for "Star Wars: The Acolyte" showing off the martial arts fight choreography featured in the upcoming miniseries.

    Watch Jedi battle hand-to-hand in new clip for Disney+'s 'The Acolyte' (video) : Read more
    The "move-freeze-move-freeze" over-choreography is tedious.
    When The Matrix and CTHD were new, it was at least interesting, though it stretches the suspension of disbelief.
    But now, it's just a boring waste of time.