Skylab: The First U.S. Space Station (Photos)

Massive Solar Flare, Skylab Telescope


This ultraviolet photograph of a massive solar flare, spanning a third of a million miles into space, was taken on Dec. 19, 1973, during the Skylab 4 mission by a telescope mounted on the Apollo telescope mount designed and built at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala.

Seamstresses Stitch a Sun-Shade


Seamstresses sewed a protective shield to replace the one lost during the Skylab launch.

A Skylab Christmas


The first American Christmas holiday aboard a space station occurred in 1973 during the Skylab 4 mission to the first American space station Skylab. The station's three-man crew saved up their food cans to create this space Christmas tree.

Weight Training in Zero-Gravity


Astronaut Gerald P. Carr, commander for the Skylab 4 mission, jokingly demonstrates weight training in zero-gravity as he balances Astronaut William R. Pogue, pilot, upside down on his finger.

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