Photos: Space Station's Expedition 37/38 Mission in Pictures

Mike Hopkins Captures Photo of Post-Launch Cloud

Mike Hopkins (via Twitter as @AstroIllini)

NASA Astronaut Mike Hopkins took this photo from the International Space Station on Oct. 10. “Saw something launch into space today. Not sure what it was but the cloud it left behind was pretty amazing,” the Expedition 37/38 Flight Engineer tweeted.

Mike Hopkins Captures Accidental Photo From ISS

Mike Hopkins (via Twitter as @AstroIllini)

NASA Astronaut Mike Hopkins captured this photo by accident from the International Space Station on Oct. 3. “1st pic of day. I messed up & hit button while grabbing the camera, but I thought it turned out to be a neat shot,” the Expedition 37/38 Flight Engineer tweeted on Oct. 13.

Mike Hopkins Gets Haircut Aboard ISS

Mike Hopkins (via Twitter as @AstroIllini)

NASA Astronaut Mike Hopkins tweeted this photo of his first haircut while aboard the International Space Station. “My crewmate Fyodor gave me my first space hair cut on Sunday. I forgot to bring money for the tip!” The Expedition 37/38 Flight Engineer wrote via Twitter on Oct. 7.

'Spiral Top' on the International Space Station

Koichi Wakata ‏(via Twitter as ‏@Astro_Wakata)

Astronaut Koichi Wakata tweeted this photo of the "Spiral Top" from aboard the International Space Station on Jan. 6, 2014. The toy uses LED lights to make art in zero-g conditions.

'Spiral Top' on the International Space Station #2

Koichi Wakata ‏(via Twitter as ‏@Astro_Wakata)

Astronaut Koichi Wakata tweeted this photo of the "Spiral Top" from aboard the International Space Station on Jan. 6, 2014. The toy uses LED lights to make art in zero-g conditions.

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