Kerbal Space Program 2 could make your 1st launch a bit smoother in 2022

When Kerbal Space Program 2, the highly-anticipated sequel to the beloved physics-based space simulator game, launches in 2022, it will include some new features to make it a but more inclusive for new players. 

Kerbal Space Program from Intercept Games and Private Division, which celebrates its 10th anniversary today, is a game where  players take charge of a space program for aliens known as "the Kerbals" that has earned a reputation for being both challenging and scientifically accurate, two aspects that will stay for the sequel. However, one of Intercept Games' main priorities for the new game is to make it much more welcoming for new players, according to its latest developer sneak peek video on YouTube.

The first game gained a lot of success and popularity due to its realistic physics engine and its ability to combine science with slapstick. This time round, however, game developers have added tutorials, over the top emotions and new hairdos to make the game more fun and engaging for casual gamers that might not have pre-existing knowledge of rocket science or physics.

Related: Kerbal Space Program 2 will launch Kerbonauts with wild new hairdos and emotions

Kerbal Space Program (PC | Steam): $39.99 $8.50 at Greenmangaming
79% off!

Kerbal Space Program (PC | Steam): $39.99 $8.50 at Greenmangaming
79% off!
Save over $30 on the original Kerbal Space Program to design and launch your own rockets and maybe reach the Mun. You can save 40% on the Making History expansion ($8.92) and 36% on the Breaking Ground expansion ($9.56). 

A still from the trailer of Kerbal Space Program 2, an upcoming sequel to the hit space simulation game. (Image credit: Star Theory/Private Division)

The release date for the sequel game was supposed to be launched in 2020, but the need for a reliable and polished game as well as the COVID-19 pandemic pushed this release back to 2022. So, both fans and critics alike will have to wait until next year to enjoy the sequel.

Nate Simpson, creative director of the game, said: "We've heard time and again from this community that quality is paramount, and we feel the same way."

"It's not enough to deliver a bunch of new features," Simpson added. "Those features have to be woven together into a stable, polished whole. We're creating a reliable foundation on which players and modders alike can build for another decade or more. That involves solving problems that have never been solved before, and that takes time."

Simpson also promised teasers for the new game such as videos, images, and developer diaries, in an attempt to "help to make 2021 go a little faster," for fans of the game.

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Alexander Cox
E-commerce Staff Writer

STAFF WRITER, E-commerce — Alex joined in June 2021 as staff writer covering space news, games, tech, toys and deals. Based in London, U.K. Graduating in June 2020, Alex studied Sports Journalism in the North East of England at Sunderland University. During his studies and since his graduation, Alex has been featured in local newspapers and online publications covering a range of sports from university rugby to Premier League soccer. In addition to a background in sports and journalism, Alex has a life-long love of Star Wars which started with watching the prequel trilogy and collecting toy lightsabers, he also grew up spending most Saturday evenings watching Doctor Who. 

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