Gallery: Shuttle Atlantis' Last Launch Pad Trek

Honor Flag Ceremony

NASA/Kim Shiflett

Kennedy Center Director Bob Cabana and Vehicle Integration Test Office and former NASA astronaut Jerry Ross walk past an honor guard at NASA's Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex to participate in a U.S. Honor Flag presentation ceremony. The flag will be presented to NASA to be prepared to fly aboard space shuttle Atlantis on the Space Shuttle Program's final mission, STS-135.

A Worker Monitors Atlantis

NASA/Troy Cryder

In the Vehicle Assembly Building at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, a worker monitors the progress of shuttle Atlantis as it is lowered onto the mobile launcher platform where it will be joined with its external fuel tank and solid rocket boosters.

Atlantis Lifted by a Crane

NASA/Dimitri Gerondidakis

In the Vehicle Assembly Building at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, shuttle Atlantis is lifted by an overhead crane and moved into a high bay where it will be attached to its external fuel tank and solid rocket boosters which are already on the mobile launcher platform. NASA plans to launch Atlantis on the STS-135 mission in mid-July 2011.

Atlantis Lifted from Its Transporter

NASA/Jack Pfaller

In the Vehicle Assembly Building at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, an overhead crane slowly lifts shuttle Atlantis off its transporter. NASA plans to launch Atlantis on the final space shuttle mission, STS-135, in mid-July.

Atlantis with Crew

collectSPACE/Robert Pearlman

The crew of STS-135, NASA's final mission for its space shuttle program, pose in front of their spacecraft, space shuttle Atlantis on May 17, 2011. From left to right: mission specialist Rex Walheim, commander Chris Ferguson, pilot Doug Hurley and mission specialist Sandra Magnus.

Atlantis Rollover

collectSPACE/Robert Pearlman

Space shuttle Atlantis rolls over to the 52-story Vehicle Assembly Building at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida on May 17, 2011. Atlantis is slated to fly the last mission of the space shuttle program, STS-135, in July.

First Family and Atlantis

NASA/Bill Ingalls

President Barack Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, daughters Malia, left, Sasha, Marian Robinson, Astronaut Janet Kavandi and United Space Alliance project lead for thermal protection systems Terry White study the exterior of space shuttle Atlantis during a visit to Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Fla., Friday, April 29, 2011.

First Family Under Atlantis

NASA/Bill Ingalls

President Barack Obama holds hands with his daughter Malia as they walk under the space shuttle Atlantis with First Lady Michelle Obama, Sasha, and Marian Robinson during a tour of NASA Orbital Processing Facility. Astronaut Janet Kavandi and United Space Alliance project lead for thermal protection systems Terry White, right, lead the tour at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Fla., Friday, April 29, 2011.

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