Canadian Space Man: Astronaut Chris Hadfield's World Tour Challenge (Photos)

William Shatner with Image of Canadian Astronaut Chris Hadfield

Comicon de Montréal 2012

Star Trek’ star William Shatner poses with a 2-D image of Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield as part of a photo contest run by the Canadian Space Agency to promote the spaceflyer’s upcoming mission. Hadfield launches to the space station in December 2012 and will be Canada's first space station commander when he takes charge.

Astronaut Chris Hadfield and Simple Plan

Canadian Space Agency/Simple Plan/Coalition Music

Canada's Montreal-based band Simple Plan (Sébastien Lefebvre, Pierre Bouvier and Chuck Comeau) discusses Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield's mission to the International Space Station in a video for the Canadian Space Agency. The CSA is holding a photo contest for snapshots with Hadfield cutouts and images.

Chris Hadfield in London

Tracy, Vancouver, BC

Tracy of Vancouver, BC, found Chris Hadfield in London during the 2012 Olympic Games for the Canadian Space Agency's photo contest.

Chris Hadfield in the Centre of the Universe in Victoria, BC

Stasia, Victoria, BC

This is Chris Hadfield and Stasia Ferbey exploring the Centre of the Universe in Victoria, BC, for the Canadian Space Agency's photo contest.

Chris Hadfield at the Top of the CN Tower

Andrea and Isabelle, Montreal area

Andrea and Isabelle, of the Montreal area, carried Chris Hadfield to the top of the CN Tower for the Canadian Space Agency's photo contest.

Chris Hadfield Underwater in the Bahamas

Mario, Montreal, Quebec

Mario of Montreal, QC, sent in this photo for the Canadian Space Agency's contest. He writes: "In the Bahamas, 110 feet underwater, with sharks around us."

Chris Hadfield with Yo Yo Ma

Jami, Seabrook, Texas, USA

Jami of Seabrook, TX, caught Chris Hadfield with Yo Yo Ma at The Arts and Passion Driven Learning Institute with The Silk Road Ensemble. This photo was submitted to the Canadian Space Agency's photo contest.

Chris Hadfield and Young Fan Gabriel

Gabriel, Markham, Ontario

Gabriel of Markham, ON, proudly accompanying Chris Hadfield, as he enters the Beyond Planet Earth exhibit at the Ontario Science Centre. This photo was submitted to the Canadian Space Agency's photo contest.

Chris 2D on the Maid of the Mist

Sara, Saint-Julie, QC

Sara of Saint-Julie, QC, got Chris Hadfield a little misty on the Maid of the Mist boat ride at Niagara Falls for the Canadian Space Agency's photo contest.

Chris Hadfield in the Canada Aviation and Space Museum, Ottawa, ON

Ali, Saskatoon, SK

Ali of Saskatoon, SK, submitted this photo to the Canadian Space Agency's photo contest. She writes: "I love flying, space and astronauts like Chris Hadfield who represent Canada so well. Here I am showing Chris a little love!"

Chris Hadfield on Parliament Hill, Ottawa, ON

Magalie, Saint-Basile-le-Grand, Quebec

Magalie of Saint-Basile-le-Grand, QC, submitted this photo to the Canadian Space Agency's contest. She writes: "Chris rocking it with Simple Plan during the Canada Day noon show. Too bad they didn't play their 'Astronaut' song."

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