NASA's InSight Mars Lander: Amazing Landing Day Photos!

Press Talks

Bill Ingalls/NASA

NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine participates in a press briefing on Nov. 26, 2018, with multiple media outlets to discuss the ongoing InSight lander mission.

The Craft

Bill Ingalls/NASA

During a social media briefing on Nov. 25, 2018, a Mars InSight lander model is displayed at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

A Bit of History

Bill Ingalls/NASA

Lori Glaze, NASA Headquarters acting director of the Planetary Science Division, discusses missions to Mars over the years. The Mars InSight lander will study the deep interior of the Red Planet using a seismometer and a probe to monitor heat flow in the subsurface, among other instruments.

Tracking the Spacecraft

Bill Ingalls/NASA

Looking forward to the touchdown on Mars, monitors at NASA's JPL show the status of NASA's Deep Space Network before InSight lands on the Red Planet on Nov. 26, 2018.

Eager for Launch

Bill Ingalls/NASA

During a pre-launch briefing in Pasadena at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Bruce Banerdt, InSIght Principal Investigator explores details of the upcoming Mars InSight lander mission.

Last Tower Standing

Bill Ingalls/NASA

SLC-3 stands singly after Untied Launch Alliance's Atlas-V rocket rises into the night sky carrying the InSight lander toward the Red Planet to begin its mission to explore the planet's "inner space."

Flame and Fluff

Bill Ingalls/NASA

The rocket engines flare brightly as the Atlas-V rocket carries NASA's InSight lander away to begin the first leg of its journey to Mars.

Spacecraft Unveiled

Bill Ingalls/NASA

The Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport, also known as InSight, rests securely atop the Atlas-V rocket at SLC-3 as the mobile service tower rolls away. The craft will launch in the near future to begin its mission to study the crust, mantle and core of Mars.

Limited Visibility

Bill Ingalls/NASA

As the InSight lander awaits launch aboard the ULA's Atlas-V rocket, a heavy fog rolls in at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California on May 4, 2018.

NASA at Mars

Nicholas Forder/Future Plc

NASA is no stranger to landing on and orbiting Mars. Here's a look at the U.S. space agency's missions to the Red Planet.

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Christine Lunsford
Producer and Contributing Writer

Christine Lunsford joined the team in 2010 as a freelance producer and later became a contributing writer, covering astrophotography images, astronomy photos and amazing space galleries and more. During her more than 10 years with, oversaw the site's monthly skywatching updates and produced overnight features and stories on the latest space discoveries. She enjoys learning about subjects of all kinds.