In Photos: Astronaut Pioneer John Glenn Laid to Rest at Arlington National Cemetery

Sweet Thanks

Aubrey Gemignani/NASA

The wife of former astronaut and U.S. Senator John Glenn, Annie Glenn, gives General Robert B. Neller, the Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps, a kiss on the cheek as he hands her the folded American flag from Glenn's casket.

A Way to Hold On

Aubrey Gemignani/NASA

Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps, General Robert B. Neller gives a folded American flag to David Glenn, son of John Glenn, former astronaut and U.S. Senator, at a graveside funeral service at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia.

Honoring the Man

Aubrey Gemignani/NASA

Lyn Glenn, daughter of John Glenn, former astronaut and U.S. Senator, is handed a folded American flag by Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps, General Robert B. Neller, as part of a full military honors interment ceremony.

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Christine Lunsford
Producer and Contributing Writer

Christine Lunsford joined the team in 2010 as a freelance producer and later became a contributing writer, covering astrophotography images, astronomy photos and amazing space galleries and more. During her more than 10 years with, oversaw the site's monthly skywatching updates and produced overnight features and stories on the latest space discoveries. She enjoys learning about subjects of all kinds.