Welcome Home! Year-in-Space Astronaut Scott Kelly's Earth Return in Photos

Expedition 46 Crew Members Part Ways #3


Scott Kelly, Mikhail Kornienko and Sergey Volkov prepared to close the hatch to their Soyuz craft before returning to Earth from the Internatinoal Space Station on March 1, 2016.

Scott Kelly's Last Sunrise From Space

Scott Kelly (via Twitter as @StationCDRKelly)

NASA astronaut Scott Kelly tweeted this photo on March 1, 2016, from the International Space Station, calling it his "last sunrise from space."

Scott Kelly Reclining in ISS

NASA/Bill Ingalls

After 340 days in space, the most time spent in orbit by an American, Scott Kelly is scheduled to return to Earth on March 1, 2016.

Scott Kelly in Soyuz Spacecraft

NASA via Twitter

Scott Kelly, Mikhail Kornienko and Sergey Volkov completed leak checks in their Soyuz spacecraft March 1 in preparation to return to Earth. Kelly and Kornienko, returning from a nearly yearlong mission to the station, have window seats.

Orbital Sunrise, Feb. 29, 2016

human spaceflight, one year in space, yearlong space mission, astronaut scott kelly, one-year mission, long-duration spaceflight, leap year, leap day in space

Out-going space station commander Scott Kelly shared this photo of an orbital sunrise to celebrate leap day, Feb. 29, 2016. He is scheduled to return to Earth on March 1, 2016.

Scott Kelly's Last Moon Photo from Space

Scott Kelly (via Twitter as @StationCDRKelly)

NASA astronaut Scott Kelly posted his photo of the moon taken from the International Space Station on Feb. 28. He noted on Twitter that it would likely be his final moon photo taken in space.

Scott Kelly in ISS Cupola


Scott Kelly, shown here in the cupola of the International Space Station, is about to complete his yearlong mission in space.

Scott Kelly PBS Documentary


NASA astronaut Scott Kelly, who is wrapping up an unprecedented 340-day mission aboard the International Space Station.

Scott Kelly in Space Back to Earth


NASA astronauts Scott Kelly and Tim Kopra are slated to vote March 1, but only Kopra will have a say in Texas' primary elections; Kelly is returning to Earth that day.

Scott Kelly in ISS Crew Quarters


NASA astronaut Scott Kelly is photographed inside his crew quarters, where he has spent almost half of his yearlong stay on the International Space Station.

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