Welcome to Astronomy: Getting Started

If you're just getting started in astronomy, the best thing to do is to first spend some time under the stars with just your eyes and get acquainted with the brighter stars and constellations.

The articles and guides in this section will steer you in the right direction.

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Row 0 - Cell 0 Welcome to AstronomySky charts, telescope advice, Moon map and more. Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.>Click Here
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Skywatcher's Guide to the MoonHow much do you know about the Moon?>Click Here

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Understanding the Ecliptic and the ZodiacOf the imaginary coordinate lines that astronomers and navigators use in mapping the sky, perhaps the most important one is the ecliptic.>Click Here

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The 10 Brightest StarsStars come in different colors, sizes, shapes and ages. One trait that makes a star unique is its brightness.>Click Here

Tourist Guide to the Milky WayThe Irish novelist George Moore once wrote, "a man travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it.>Click Here

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Star Party Survival GuideGuide to how to attend a star party, or do's and dont's of stargazing.>Click Here

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