Constellation Pronunciation Guide

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Row 1 - Cell 0 Row 1 - Cell 1 Row 1 - Cell 2
Andromeda (The Chained Maiden)an-DROM-eh-daRow 2 - Cell 2
Antlia (The Air Pump)ANT-lee-uhRow 3 - Cell 2
Apus (The Bird of Paradise)APE-usRow 4 - Cell 2
Aquarius (The Waterbearer)ack-KWAIR-ee-usRow 5 - Cell 2
Aquila (The Eagle)ack-WILL-lahRow 6 - Cell 2
Ara (The Altar)AY-rahRow 7 - Cell 2
Aries (The Ram)AIR-easeRow 8 - Cell 2
Auriga (The Charioteer)or-EYE-gahRow 9 - Cell 2
Bootes (The Herdsman)bow-OH-teaseRow 10 - Cell 2
Caelum (The Chisel)SEE-lumRow 11 - Cell 2
Camelopardalis (The Giraffe)ca-MEL-oh-PAR-dal-issRow 12 - Cell 2
Cancer (The Crab)KAN-surrRow 13 - Cell 2
Canes Venatici (The Hunting Dogs)KAN-es veh-NAT-ih-seeRow 14 - Cell 2
Canis Major (The Great Dog)KANE-es MAY-jerRow 15 - Cell 2
Canis Minor (The Little Dog)KANE-es MY-nerRow 16 - Cell 2
Capricornus (The Sea Goat)CAP-rih-CORN-usRow 17 - Cell 2
Carina (The Keel)car-EE-naca-RYE-na
Cassiopeia (The Queen)KASS-ee-oh-PEE-ahRow 19 - Cell 2
Centaurus (The Centaur)sen-TOR-usRow 20 - Cell 2
Cepheus (The King)SEE-fee-usRow 21 - Cell 2
Cetus (The Sea Monster)SEE-tusRow 22 - Cell 2
Chamaeleon (The Chameleon)kah-ME-lee-unRow 23 - Cell 2
Circinus (The Drawing Compass)SIR-sin-usRow 24 - Cell 2
Columba (The Dove)ko-LUM-baRow 25 - Cell 2
Coma Berenices (Berenice's Hair)CO-ma bare-uh-NYE-seesRow 26 - Cell 2
Corona Australis (The Southern Crown)coe-ROW--nah ow-STRAHL-iss
Corona Borealis (The Northern Crown)coe-ROW--nah BOR-ee-AL-iss
Corvus (The Raven)CORE-vussRow 29 - Cell 2
Crater (The Cup)CRAY-terRow 30 - Cell 2
Crux (The Southern Cross)KruksRow 31 - Cell 2
Cygnus (The Swan)SIG-nusRow 32 - Cell 2
Delphinus (The Dolphin)del-FYE-nusRow 33 - Cell 2
Dorado (The Goldfish)doh-RAY-dohRow 34 - Cell 2
Draco (The Dragon)DRAY-koRow 35 - Cell 2
Equuleus (The Little Horse)eh-KWOO-lee-usRow 36 - Cell 2
Eridanus (The Celestial River)eh-RID-uh-nussRow 37 - Cell 2
Fornax (The Furnace)FOR-naksRow 38 - Cell 2
Gemini (The Twins)GEM-in-eyeRow 39 - Cell 2
Grus (The Crane)GROOSRow 40 - Cell 2
Hercules (The Strongman)HER-kyou-leezRow 41 - Cell 2
Horologium (The Clock)hor-uh-LOW-gee-umRow 42 - Cell 2
Hydra (The Sea Serpent)HY-druhRow 43 - Cell 2
Hydrus (The Water Snake)HY-drusRow 44 - Cell 2
Indus (The Indian)IN-dusRow 45 - Cell 2
Lacerta (The Lizard)la-SIR-taRow 46 - Cell 2
Leo (The Lion)LEE-ohRow 47 - Cell 2
Leo Minor (The Little Lion)LEE-oh MY-nerRow 48 - Cell 2
Lepus (The Hare)LEE-pussRow 49 - Cell 2
Libra (The Scales)LEE-braRow 50 - Cell 2
Lupus (The Wolf)LOUP-usRow 51 - Cell 2
Lynx (The Lynx)linksRow 52 - Cell 2
Lyra (The Lyre)LIE-rahRow 53 - Cell 2
Mensa (The Table Mountain)MEN-saRow 54 - Cell 2
Microscopium (The Microscope)MY-krow-SKOH-pee-emRow 55 - Cell 2
Monoceros (The Unicorn)mon-OSS-er-usRow 56 - Cell 2
Musca (The Fly)MUSS-kaRow 57 - Cell 2
Norma (The Level)NOR-maRow 58 - Cell 2
Octans (The Octant)OCK-tensRow 59 - Cell 2
Ophiuchus (The Serpent Bearer)Oaf-ih-YOU-kusRow 60 - Cell 2
Orion (The Hunter)oh-RYE-unRow 61 - Cell 2
Pavo (The Peacock)PAY-voRow 62 - Cell 2
Pegasus (The Winged Horse)PEG-uh-sussRow 63 - Cell 2
Perseus (The Hero)PURR-see-usRow 64 - Cell 2
Phoenix (The Phoenix)FEE-nixRow 65 - Cell 2
Pictor (The Painter)PICK-torRow 66 - Cell 2
Pisces (The Fish)PIE-seesRow 67 - Cell 2
Piscis Austrinus (The Southern Fish)PIE-sees oss-TREE-nusPIE-sees oss-TRY-nus
Puppis (The Poop Deck)PUP-issRow 69 - Cell 2
Pyxis (The Compass)PICK-sisRow 70 - Cell 2
Reticulum (The Net)reh-TICK-yuh-lumRow 71 - Cell 2
Sagitta (The Arrow)suh-JIT-uhRow 72 - Cell 2
Sagittarius (The Archer)sa-jih-TARE-ee-usRow 73 - Cell 2
Scorpius (The Scorpion)SKOR-pee-ussRow 74 - Cell 2
Sculptor (The Sculptor)SKULP-torRow 75 - Cell 2
Scutum (The Shield)SCOOT-umRow 76 - Cell 2
Serpens Caput (The Snake's Head)SIR-pens CAP-utRow 77 - Cell 2
Serpens Cauda (The Snake's Tail)SIR-pens KAW-dahRow 78 - Cell 2
Sextans (The Sextant)SEX-tensRow 79 - Cell 2
Taurus (The Bull)TOR-usRow 80 - Cell 2
Telescopium (The Telescope)tell-es-SCOPE-ee-umRow 81 - Cell 2
Triangulum (The Triangle)tri-ANG-yuh-lumRow 82 - Cell 2
Triangulum Australe (The Southern Triangle)tri-ANG-yuh-lum aus-TRAY-lee
Tucana (The Toucan)too-KAY-nahtoo-KAH-nah
Ursa Major (The Great Bear)URR-sah MAY-jerRow 85 - Cell 2
Ursa Minor (The Little Bear)URR-sah MY-nerRow 86 - Cell 2
Vela (The Sail)VEE-laRow 87 - Cell 2
Virgo (The Maiden)VER-goRow 88 - Cell 2
Volans (The Flying Fish)VO-lansRow 89 - Cell 2
Vulpecula (The Fox)vul-PECK-yoo-laRow 90 - Cell 2

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