China's space plane apparently deployed 6 'mysterious wingmen' in orbit

a small space shuttle-like spacecraft in orbit above earth
A notional rendering of China's reusable Shenlong space plane. (Image credit: Erik Simonsen/Getty Images)

Update for June 10, 2024: Later analysis revealed that the objects surrounding China's space plane were not released by the spacecraft itself, but were inert pieces of debris. The signals observed near these objects were in fact being transmitted from other satellites in their vicinity. 

"What we discovered is China is using 2280MHz for a number of military missions at low inclinations which got confused with the debris objects," satellite tracker Scott Tilley wrote on X

China's reusable space plane just got a little more mysterious.

Just four days after being launched on its third mission, China's Shenlong ("Divine Dragon") robotic space plane seems to have placed six objects into Earth orbit. Amateur spacecraft trackers around the world have been following the objects closely for days and have recorded emissions coming from some of them. 

The six mystery objects have been designated OBJECT A, B, C, D, E and F. According to satellite tracker and amateur astronomer Scott Tilley, OBJECT A appears to be emitting signals reminiscent of those emitted by objects that China's space plane has released on previous missions. 

"OBJECT A's or nearby emission is reminiscent of earlier Chinese space plane 'wingman' emissions in the sense the signal is modulated with a limited amount of data," Tilley told via email. "There is speculation that the emission from OBJECT A may be from an object close to it, but this is speculation not based on any evidence I'm aware of." Tilley has referred to the objects as "mysterious wingmen" on X (formerly Twitter).

Related: China launches secret space plane on 3rd-ever mission

OBJECT D and E, meanwhile, appear to be emitting idle "placeholder" signals with no data accompanying them. "It should be noted that unlike emissions early in the Chinese space plane missions 1 and 2, these emissions are very intermittent and do not stay on long," Tilley says. "It's taken days of observations tracking pass after pass with dish antennas to come up with this data."

Tilley and other satellite trackers have analyzed the signals and are confident that the emissions are coming either from the objects or from close proximity to them. This conclusion is based on observing them along their expected paths in the sky, the fact that no other known objects were in the beam of the trackers' antennas when the data was collected, and the fact that the particular modulation of these signals is "unique and has only been seen from previous Chinese space plane missions using [a frequency of] 2280MHz," Tilley says.

"In summary, this iteration of the Chinese space plane mission launched into a similar orbit as the last two but operationally it is exhibiting different radio behavior than before. The additional observations of the emissions from OBJECT D and E is new, but could also have been missed on earlier missions if they too were intermittent," Tilley added. "Something we should watch for is close encounters between OBJECT A and OBJECTs D and E. D and E are in fairly elliptical orbits while A is in a near circular orbit. In the next couple of days there will be close approaches between these objects at perigee."

Perigee is the point in a satellite's elliptical orbit when it's closest to Earth.

China's space plane has exhibited similar behaviors in the past. On its two previous missions — which launched in September 2020 and August 2022, respectively — the spacecraft was seen releasing a small unknown object into orbit. It was speculated that the objects could be service modules, test articles for practicing placing payloads into orbit, or perhaps even small satellites used to monitor the space plane, SpaceNews wrote in November 2022.

The United States also operates a reusable robotic space plane, the Boeing-built X-37B. Similar to China's Shenlong space plane, little is known about the exact operations or capabilities of the X-37B. The U.S. Space Force is currently set to launch the spacecraft atop a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket on Dec. 28 after several delays.

And the timing of the two reusable space plane launches isn't a coincidence. "These are two of the most watched objects on orbit while they're on orbit. It's probably no coincidence that they're trying to match us in timing and sequence of this," General Chance Saltzman, U.S. Space Force's Chief of Space Operations, said at a conference earlier this month. 

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Brett Tingley
Managing Editor,

Brett is curious about emerging aerospace technologies, alternative launch concepts, military space developments and uncrewed aircraft systems. Brett's work has appeared on Scientific American, The War Zone, Popular Science, the History Channel, Science Discovery and more. Brett has English degrees from Clemson University and the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. In his free time, Brett enjoys skywatching throughout the dark skies of the Appalachian mountains.

  • George²
    Must be test for between satellites space network or maybe 6G for military/civil use?
    George² said:
    Must be test for between satellites space network or maybe 6G for military/civil use?
    The article doesn’t say that the source of this signal is geosynchronous, if it is then 6G for China is possible. 2280 MHz, not sure about cross linking satellites, but I don’t know Chinese capabilities for communications. 2280 MHz not sure though, is used for video? Just a thought. I hope someone else can chime in
  • jim_robison
    It will be interesting to see what happens when OBJECT A meets OBJECTS D and E. Could OBJECT A be a predator and OBJECTS D and E targets?
  • George²
    SATCOMM said:
    The article doesn’t say that the source of this signal is geosynchronous, if it is then 6G for China is possible. 2280 MHz, not sure about cross linking satellites, but I don’t know Chinese capabilities for communications. 2280 MHz not sure though, is used for video? Just a thought. I hope someone else can chime in
    No, this frequency is not valid for 6G, which will operate in the terahertz range. But I guess the observer didn't even have the equipment to pick up a signal at that frequency. Otherwise, yes! A gigahertz band, as discovered, can carry tens of video streams simultaneously, as long as they are not 4k/8k resolution, with no compression applied.